Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I'm back

I'm back! Good news is I've kept up the running the whole time I was gone. I just haven't been blogging. If you read my family blog, you already know that I've 2 different sets of out of town gets, my daughter was in a leg splint for 10 days (thought her leg was fracture, but it appears to just be a sprain). So, as I said over there....."I've been running at 4:45am and 5am, rushing home to get ready, drop Sofie at daycare, learning a new job (finally got to meet my client!) and commute. By the time dinner is done and lunches are made, all I want to do is go to bed and start it all over again."

Also, because of all aforementioned sh*t, I did not compete in the triathlon that I was considering. I'm still interested, though. Hopefully I can find one to do before the season is over.

Oh, and I'm fighting severe arch pain and slight heel pain. I've self-diagnosed myself with plantar fasciitis. I taped it this morning for my run and it felt tons better. I talked to my running coach last night and he suggested rolling my foot over a baseball while I sit at my desk. I think that the biggest issue is going back to an office and wearing heels after 2 years of Birkenstocks and working from home.

Check out my side bar for my weekly, monthly, yearly mileage totals. I'll try and be better about updating in the future. Off to bed, Michelle and I are meeting earlier tomorrow since we are starting to increase our miles. Coffee is my friend!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the endodontist who did my root canal is a 'thon runner (did the MCM in '07 & had his and his wife's bibs, medals, and a race patch arranged on top of one of the race shirts and framed in the, exam room).

anyway, he said that to help with PF he walks for a while on his tip-toes (maybe 3 mailboxes distance, then normal, then repeats).