Thursday, July 30, 2009

Runner Chick

I saw this at Frayed Laces and just thought it was too cute not to share!

Ran another 3 miles yesterday (~37 minutes). I think the 6 from the day before really wore me out. I feel asleep on the sofa just after 8pm last night.

My friend Ethel has been joining us this week, too. She is getting ready to wean baby #2 and wants to burn some extra calories. I was super impressed with her ability to hang with us for the 6 mile run and then a 3 mile run the next day (she's been going to the gym, but not really running and building up mileage like Michelle and I have been doing). She is still doing middle of the night feedings, not used to getting up that early, and its been awhile since she ran that far....since before baby #1. We went a little slower and did some walking for both runs, but honestly, I was so worn out, it was definitely welcome!

I have cross training today, rest tomorrow, and 3 miles on Saturday. I'm thinking of switching tomorrow and Saturday with the misguided hope that Sofie might sleep in Saturday morning and I might get to sleep in as well. We'll see if any cross training gets done tonight.


Carolina John said...

those rest days are important. i like a friday rest day too.

Anonymous said...

good deal :o)
i'm starting to get nervous about long mileage runs...and for me that's anything over 6 miles!
keep it up!

Jen Feeny said...

Hey there! Thanks for stopping by my digs today! Good job with the 6 miles! Even if you walk, you're still out there moving, that's the most important part. Keep it up!

Jen Feeny said...

P.S. It's always fun to meet another running redhead! :)