Sunday, May 17, 2009

MCHH Race Report

I've been a little MIA in blogging lately. That is because I started a new job this week, so I've been trying to figure out schedules and packing lunches and getting Sofia to daycare in time and what to wear. And I'm working full time now, instead of part-time. So, I haven't had as much time and I haven't run all week (hard to blog about running when you aren't running).

But today I ran my first half marathon since Sofia was born. I was a little nervous as I hadn't trained like I would have liked, but I've been keeping up the short distances during the week....3, 4, 5 miles.

All the pictures are on Michelle's camera. (And the official picture people's cameras.) I didn't bring my camera today (I know, shock of all shocks). The forecast called for rain all morning! I love running in the rain, but because of the rain I left my camera at home. Of course, I didn't think to leave my iPod at home....I should have. I think I may have shorted it out. A friend of mine dropped her iPhone in her dog's water bowl and the Apple people told her to put in rice to draw the moisture out of it and to not turn it on for 2 days. And it worked for her! So, my iPod is currently in the off mode, in a bowl of rice, and won't be turned on for 2 days. We'll see how it turns out.

So, on to the race report....

The short rained, I had a technical malfunction, I finished, I'm sore.
If you notice at the top of the map, there is a nice little elevation chart. Yeah, you will also notice we have a major uphill towards the end. That was not nice.

It was an early 7am start (and about an hour from the house!). We had everyone up and on the road by 5:10am. We got there, parked, made it to the port-o-John, and lined up with everyone else in plenty of time. I couldn't figure out how to get my new watch programed for a distance longer than 3 miles but we were already running at this point so I just started it and went. It was overcast as we started, and a drizzle here and there but not really raining. We were at the 5K turn around point in no time (1.5 miles). Between miles 2 and 3 we looped through a neighborhood, which was really quiet. This is also where my Garmin stopped recording or I hit stop or any number of events that made it stop recording. Miles 4 and 5 skirted around Mary Washington University, but you didn't get much feel for being on a college campus. It was more the feel of the neighborhoods that surround it. There was very nice family around mile 5 that was giving out water, tequila, and other beverages. Of course, I'm a slow poke and they ran out of cups right before I got there. Miles 4, 5, and 6 were when the skies finally opened up! (It had been just drizzling until then.) It was fantastic! I love, love, love running in the rain. This also is where the course went up one block and down the next for a while (like feeding through a waiting line at an amusement park). This also meant any hill you ran down this block, you'd be running back up the next block. Of course, my iPod starts flaking out around mile 6 and I'm sure its due to all the water.

There was not mile marker for mile 7. We got free sport beans and then all of a sudden it was mile marker 8! Mile 8! We've got this thing! Mile 8 to 9 was pretty uneventfull. We meet a very nice gentleman from Columbia, MD. He ran with us for a few minutes and chatted. Michelle needed a walk break so he kept on going. Mile 9 to 10 I was really starting to feel good....considering how bad anyone feels after running 9 miles without properly training. I pulled away from Michelle after the water stop at Mile 10. Mile 11 was brutal...that hill I mentioned above, this is where it was. I think 95% of the people I saw were walking. Once up and over the hill, it was clean sailing from there. 2 more miles and I finished.

Again, being that I'm slow, they were out of mylar blankets and finisher coins. They were, however, not out of free beer, medals or free massages. All of which I made sure to get!

I'm a little sore right now...ok, a lot sore! It's hard to get up and down the stairs to take the dog out. I'll post pictures if I ever get any. I'm off to finally read the directions for my watch and get a sweet treat!


Kim said...

Congrats on your race. Wow...rained so much it shorted out your iPod? I dropped mine right in the toilet one time and it sunk all the way to the bottom. I did retrieve it (this was before there was anything but just water). It took a couple hours to finally come on and quit shorting, but it did work again! I would have never thought about rice.


Anonymous said...

great job!!!!!!
i'm still having trouble getting over the 5K hump. have heard that it gets easier after the 3.5-4 mile mark, though. we'll see.

and yes, it IS hard to blog about running when you haven't been running :)

Mile Posts by Dorothy Beal said...

Congrats on your 1/2!!!