Friday, April 24, 2009

Walking instead of running

Sofia and I were butting heads today, which is odd, since she was such a sweat-heart this morning (giving lots and lots of kisses without being prompted). And to top it all off, she just wouldn't take a nap today (which is probably why we were butting heads). We decided to go for a walk. We ended up at the playground, ran around, had fun. Then, I got it in my head that we should keep walking and go to Home Depot and get some herbs to plant. We ended up walking just over 2 miles from the house to the playground to Home Depot. Marc got off work just in time to pick us up at Home Depot.

I always seem to dread running and pushing the stroller at the same time, so I put it off and don't do it. I think I still have it in my head that I'm still building back up my strength and I'm not where I was a few years ago. Well, after my recent fastest 5K since Sofia was born and how great I felt after the 10 Miler, I am a much closer to being back and I am a runner again. I just need to get my mind to catch up with my body. This is why we tend to go for walks instead of runs, I need to suck it up and just do it.

And on the diet-weight loss front, I'm really thinking about giving "Core" a try. For those of you non-weight watchers, this is a method where you don't count points but you eat clean foods. I know I need to get my protein up and I even though I stay within my points, it's not always good choices and my weight is stagnant. Next week's goal (after we go grocery shopping) is to eat clean/core-like/filling foods.

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